Exam Notification for II, IV & VI Semester B.Com, BBA, BCA and BSc Supplementary Examination- August 2023 Session
Exam Notification II Semester BHA & II Semester BBA(HAMT)
Fees Notification II Semester BHA & II Semester BBA(HAMT)
I Semester MBA Examination April 2023 Session Timetable
Exam Commencement Notification Supplementary I, III and V Semester B.Com, BBA, BCA and BSc
Exam Commencement Notification I Semester MCA, MSc and MBA
Exam Commencement Notification - BHA, BBA & MHA
Steps to apply for examination on student's portal
Exam Fee Notification - B.Com, BBA, BCA and BSc January 2023 Session
Exam Notification- Second internal
Exam Commencement Notification of I, III and V Semester B.Com, BBA, BCA and BSc - January 2023