B.Sc Forensic Science


3 Years


BSc Forensic Science program, where science and investigation converge to unravel the complexities of the criminal justice system. This program offers a captivating journey into the world of crime scene analysis, evidence interpretation, and meticulous scientific inquiry. Delve into a comprehensive curriculum encompassing disciplines such as biology, chemistry, criminal law, and specialized forensic methodologies.

Through a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, students gain hands-on training in cutting-edge laboratories and simulated crime scene scenarios. With opportunities to specialize in areas like DNA analysis, digital forensics, and toxicology, graduates emerge as adept problem-solvers ready to pursue careers in crime scene investigation, forensic analysis, and expert consultation within law enforcement and legal domains.


  • PUC / HSc Science stream with any specialization
  • Kerala State Board overall for Boys 65%
  • Kerala State Board overall for Girls 60%
  • Other State Boards / CBSE / ICSE - Overall 55% For Both Boys and Girls
Fee Structure
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